Community Rightto Bid: Assetsof Community Value

Nomination Form

{Office use only) ACV Ref:              _

Section 1: Aboutyour organisation

lA. ContactDetails

Please provide basiccontact details for your organisation













































1B. Organisation type

1Please place an 'X in the middle column against the appropriate organisation type

,Organisation Type

X         Registration number of           ..

charity/company (if


tP-ar-ish-C-ou--nc-ils-----------------------1---                                                                                                                                                                                  . 1-


This may be for an assetin its ow.n area, or in the neighbouring Parish

Council area


Neighbouring Parish Councils


If the       Parish Council bord·ers an un-parished area, then they may nominate an asset within the neighbouring District Council or U.nitary Council.


Un-incorporated groups


Nominations can be accepted from any un-incorporated group with               - membership of at least 21local people who appear on the electoral ro-11 within the local authority, o.r a neighbouring local authority. This will for instance enable nomination by a focalgroup formed to try to save an                   : asset, but which has not yet reached the stage of acquiring a formal

charitable or corporate structure.


Pleasecomplete additional forrn in Appendix 1 if this applies to you..


Neighbourhood Forums


There can onty be one neighbourhood forum for an area and the way they are set up is cle.arly defin·ed by the Council as a planning authority. The procedure for becoming aneighbourhood forumisset out in Section 61F of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


Pleasecomplete additional formin Appendix 1 if this applies to you.


.:ommunity interestgroups with a local con,nection


Thesemust have one or mo1·eof the following structures:


            A char.ity


            A community interest company


            A company limite-d by guarantee that is non-profit distributing


            An Industrial and Prov-ident Societythat is non-profit

distributing/Community Benefit Society


Please complete ad-ditional form in Appendix 1 if this applies to yo,u...













- -  




1C. Local connection

Additionally, your organisation is required to havea local connection. This means that itsactivities are wholly or partly concerned with the administrative area of North Yorkshire ora neighbouring local authority. Please provide details a.bout your organisat.ion1s local connection.


Finally, please provide}' if available, a copy of  your organisation's rules/constitution.Please indicate which documents

·•••-<ou intend to provide below by placing an 'X' againstthe relevant documenttype.



Type of document



Memorandum and Articles of Association {for a company)





T.rust Deed (for atrust}


Constitution and/or rules {for other organisations)


















-----       --·---      ----                                     









Section2A: Basic details

Section 2: About the asset

Please provide basic details aboutthe:asset



Type of land/building (for example,

pub, shop)





Name of the premises





Address of the premises





In addition to the above information, please attach a clear plan which identifies the land/buildings you wish to nominate witha                     line drawn around the boundary of the area you wish to nominate. This could bea                       Title Plan from

.-----.,Land Registry, or any other map which gives us enough detail to identify the site.




Section2B: Ownership

Please provide detailsabout the asset1 s ownership, if it is knownto you










Section 2C: The premises as an Assetof Community Value

Please explain why you feel the land/premises meets the definition of an Asset of Community Valu.e

Provide as

much information as possible. Please note, it is likely that these comments will be shared with the asset owner.

ACV Definition


A buildingor other landin a local authority's area is considered land of community value if, in the opinionof the



( a} an acteJal current use of the building or other land - that is not a.n ancillary use - furthers the social wellbeing or social interests of the local community; and

( b) it is realistic to thinkthat there can continue to bea non-ancillary use of the building or other land which will further (whether or notin the same way} the socialwellbeing or socialinterests of the local community.

If thereis no current use:


{ c) The definition is extended to land which has furthered the social wellbeingor social interests of the local

community in the recent past,and whichit is realistic to considerwili do so again during the next five year.s













Section 3: Checklist and Declaration

 Copy of organisation;s constitution/rules/other ><
 A clear plan defining the la•nd./premises being nominated 
 In addition to the form, please confirmany attachments if provided.












Finally, in order to confirmthat the information contained within thisnomination form is correct and complete and

that the required documentsare attached, an appropriate authorised officer must sign the below declaration.

We can accept electronic signatures..











Assets of Community Value nominations are coordinated by area-based teams, when complete, please return this form and any accompanying materials t.o the  appropriate e-mailaddress below:

Harrogate Area

Craven Area

,                    ,

Scarborough Area

 . ?. .!.?.of cqnJ.DJ .n YY.? uE; . .rav: n@rJqrtb,. o_r -go - .Y

,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ,

LegalS rvic . .sc _@nortj}yor,kx?.:g9_y. k

    '                                                                                               . ..

Ryedale Area

Richmondshire Area

Hambleton Area

,        . .                .

Selby Area

L9caJf?lan. r    @.floct yorks.g '! uk

.                          .              .                                                      .

Assets.ofCo111mu Dity\(_alu e.Rich o     d shire@no_rth \:9.rk_s.g9y-                                     k :

,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ,


C9 r:n. .   IJJj ...s.,.h ,rn@. . - yqr - .gqv.- ..

Asset..?ofComrn_ nityVa_Jue.:S lb_y@ Qr..t YQrk .goy_:,!:!



Before completing this form, please check the guidance notes at the end of the document. If you require any

ssistance, please contact !,\ssets..of. ornmynityY,alu -NY

Privacy notice

Please retaina copy of this form for your records and should yourcircumstances or contact details change then please let the appropriate contact officerknow.


This information will be held in accordance with NYC PrivacyNotices.






Appendix 1. For unincorporated groups and community interest groups

Please skip this section if you are a Parish Council


In the case of an unincorporated body, at least 21 of its individual members must be registered to vote locallyin order to make an ACV nomination. Please confirm the names and addresses of these members witha                                                                         signature. If they are registered to vote in the areaof a neighbouring local authority, rather than in North Yorkshire, please

confirm which area that is..






.     Member address









































































































































































